Credits & Acknowledgements

The 2016-–17 California County Scorecard of Children’s Well-Being reflects the collective efforts of Children Now.

Strategic direction, project oversight and communication strategy provided by: Jessica Mindnich, Ph.D., Kristi Schutjer-Mance, Ted Lempert, Adrienne Bell and Isabel French.

Research and data analyses conducted by: Amy Silva and Jessica Mindnich, Ph.D.; with support from Karen Hyunh, Melanie R. Jimenez, and Chidambaram Senthil-Perumal.

Design and project management by: Jennifer Hoffecker

Thank you

Children Now would also like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their contributions to the development and dissemination of the 2016–17 California County Scorecard of Children’s Well-Being:

  • Thomas Hanson, MS, PhD
  • Kelvin Pollard
    Population Reference Bureau
  • Meredith Milet, MPH
    California Department of Public Health, Environmental Health Investigations Branch, California Breathing
  • Tia Shimada, MPH
    California Food Policy Advocates
  • Johannes Troost
    California Department of Education, After School Division
  • Michelle Miles and Colin Chew
    California Department of Public Health
  • Staff
    California Department of Health Care Services, Medi- Cal Dental Services Division


Primary funding and support for the 2016-17 California County Scorecard of Children’s Well-Being is provided by The California Endowment.

Additional funding for this project is provided by: The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Westly Foundation, May and Stanley Smith Charitable Fund, Morgan Family Foundation, David and Lucille Packard Foundation.

We thank the Annie E. Casey Foundation for their support and acknowledge that the findings and conclusions presented in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Foundation.

Children Now Board of Directors

  • Chair
    Lenny Mendonca
    Director Emeritus
    McKinsey & Company
    San Francisco
  • Chair Emeritus
    Jane K. Gardner
    Harbour Strategic Consulting
  • Vice Chair
    John Garcia
    Vice President, Government Relations
    Kaiser Permanente
  • Treasurer
    Mark T. Johnsen
    Chief Executive Officer
    Wealth Architects, LLC
  • Secretary
    Nancy Murray
    Partner (Retired)
    Pillsbury Madison & Sutra LLP
  • Arnoldo Avalos
    Founder and Chief Executive Officer
    Avalos Foundation
  • Donna Friedman Meir
    Lemonade Creative Consulting
  • Natasha Hoehn
    Executive Director
    Silver Giving Foundation
  • David G. Johnson
    Act 4 Entertainment
  • Gay Krause
    Executive Director
    Foothill College, Krause Center for Innovation
  • Ted Lempert
    Children Now
  • Tracey B. Monroe
    Executive Director
    UBS Asset Management
  • Jason Salzetti
    Deloitte Consulting LLP
  • Grace K. Won
    Farella Braun + Martel LLP
  • Of Counsel
    Holly L. Sutton
    Farella Braun + Martel LLP
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